What Happens When a Contract Term is Left Blank?

What happens when a contract term is left blank? Some agents assume that it means the value in the b...

Share Your Thoughts on Texas REALTOR® Magazine

What do you like or not like about Texas REALTOR® magazine? What would you like to see in future is...

Strategies for Brokers to Improve Performance and Outcomes

Being a broker, you closely keep up with performance numbers at your brokerage. But do you know how ...

What Do You Want to Learn About?

The editors of Texas REALTOR® magazine want to know how they can make the magazine more useful to y...

How to Strengthen Your Skills

You’re a professional. But even world-class athletes still practice the fundamentals, and for you ...

Did You Know This About REALTORS®?

Texans aren’t afraid to blaze their own trails. But when it comes to buying, selling, and leasing ...

Tips to Better Manage Your Money

You believe that buyers and sellers should talk to an expert for their real estate needs. The same g...

How to Negotiate a Sale With Tactical Empathy

In the May issue of Texas REALTOR® magazine, Debbie Remington, broker/owner of Remington Team Realt...

How to Hold Sales Meetings That Sizzle

Your sales meeting is the culture point of your office or company. Have excellent sales meetings and...

5 Tips to Win More Multiple-Offer Deals

In a competitive market, buyers are looking for any strategy that could give them an edge when it co...

Brokers: Learn From Someone With Less Experience

Traditional mentoring pairs more experienced REALTORS® with newer agents, but reverse mentoring mak...

Your Forms: Information Regarding Property Near an International Border

For certain counties located near an international border, Texas law may prohibit the sale of a prop...

Will You Lower Your Commission?

If your prospects want to negotiate a lower commission than what you’ve proposed, they may be reac...

The Square-Footage Court Case You Need to Know About

A Dallas-area agent and her brokerage were sued after an appraisal district's square footage informa...

How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome

by David Burkus Have you ever been in a room full of people and think you’re the only person who ...

How You Can Help Consumers Understand Fair Housing

Zelda Cain, an instructor and broker with A2Z Real Estate Consultants in Houston, is passionate abou...

Tips to Create Your Retirement Plan

How can real estate professionals create a good plan for retirement? To answer that question, Texas...

Find the Tech Tools That Pay Off

Real estate professionals used to grab at any shiny technology object without giving much thought to...

From the Legal Hotline: How to Establish an Intermediary Relationship

We often receive questions about the proper way to establish an intermediary relationship. If a br...

Real Estate Trends to Watch for in 2019

Want to know what lies ahead for real estate? Read the Texas REALTOR® magazine article that featur...

Don't Make These Real Estate Investing Mistakes

Are you using your business experience to invest in real estate? If so, here are a few mistakes to ...

What the Texas Legislature May Do Next Year

Real estate is always on the agenda when the Texas Legislature is in session. That’s why Texas R...

You Have Free, Vetted Information to Share With Clients

The monthly Share This column in each Texas REALTOR® magazine is designed as a one-page flier you c...

When Landowners May Need Permission to Access Their Own Private Property

Some landowners in Texas cannot access their landlocked property from a public road without crossing...

Want to Promote Your Expertise with Shareable Content?

30 Ideas for Your Newsletter, Blog, and Social Media PostsPromoting your expertise with shareable co...

What Does Well Water Have to Do With Your E&O Insurance?

By Chad Wenzelspratt, Lee Santos E&O Case Study: When the Well Water Isn’t EnoughA real estate ag...

Lessons From Texas REALTORS® a Year After Harvey

For the September/October issue, Texas REALTOR® magazine traveled from the Coastal Bend to the Gold...

12 Questions to Answer About Your Goals

When was the last time you checked your progress toward the goals you've set for your business? How...

Incriminating Yourself in an Ethics Hearing

Can You "Plead the Fifth" in an Ethics Hearing Panel?Can a respondent “plead the Fifth” to the p...

Are you Putting Yourself at Risk When Showing Property?

5 Mistakes That Could Put You in DangerYou don’t tell anyone where you’re going. “Headed to a ...

Are You Financially Prepared for a Future Market Slump?

Whether or not you believe headlines about the housing market's current run coming to an end, it's a...

Where not to put Commission Amounts in the Residential Contract

From the Legal Hotline: The Wrong Place for Commission Negotiations We sometimes get callers who as...

How To Determine the Effective Date for the One to Four Family Residential Contract

To calculate the dates for most periods of performance in the One to Four Family Residential Contrac...

How Well Do You Know the One to Four Contract?

One of the most commonly used forms among Texas REALTORS® is the One to Four Family Residential Con...

Answers to Common Questions About "Coming Soon" Listings

Some multiple listing services have added an option for brokers to list properties as coming soon, ...

Do You Know the Answer to These 6 Common Legal Hotline Questions?

Besides your broker, where do you turn for trustworthy information about real estate transactions? E...

How to Use the New Form Notice of Withdrawal of Offer

Texas REALTORS® have an exclusive new form they can use in residential, commercial, and farm and ra...

Watch This: There's More to Learn About Fair Housing

The federal Fair Housing Act became law 50 years ago this month. But efforts to ensure equal access ...

1 of these 2 words must be in your team name starting May 15

The Texas Real Estate Commission's revised advertising rules go into effect May 15, and that means n...

Deadline for DMCA online registration is coming

If you used a paper form to register a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) designated agent for ...

5 ways reverse mentoring can benefit your business

Have you ever considered what you could learn from the younger agents and brokers in your office? T...

Find more leads and nurture the ones you have

Kickstart your lead generation playbook with 13 fresh ideas and learn how to keep your leads warm and moving toward a transaction

Why landowners need this if they allow hunters

Landowners who lease their private property for hunting in return for any type of compensation are r...

Share This: What's included in the sale of a house?

The new Share This column in every Texas REALTOR® magazine gives you a one-pager you can share with...

Have you seen the new Texas REALTOR® magazine?

After feedback from Texas REALTORS® like you, we’ve updated Texas REALTOR® magazine to address y...

2 ways to manage your contacts more effectively

Poor contact management could mean you’re missing out on sales. Here are two ways to make sure you...

It's called the seller's disclosure for a reason

Want to avoid trouble with the Seller's Disclosure Notice and learn how damage from a natural disas...

Divorced clients? Avoid these common transaction pitfalls

The ex-wife lives in the home, and the ex-husband owns it. They both want to sell the property. Rea...

Thinking of joining a team? Here's why that might make sense for you

The model of sales agents leading teams of specialists—such as buyer's agents, listing coordinator...

Why TAR is back at the Texas Capitol

Our work at the Texas Capitol this year isn’t done yet. After the regular session of the 85th Tex...

Why designations matter to you and your clients

What are designations good for? According to five REALTORS®, each with at least seven designation...

FEMA, flood plains, and real estate transactions

Do you know what the base flood elevation of a building is? How about the lowest adjacent grade? W...

Do you read Texas REALTOR® magazine? Then you must read this

Would you like a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card and improve TAR’s flagship publication at t...

You need a business plan—here's what should be in it

Watch the latest Texas REALTOR® Magazine Minute for three things that should be in your plan, and g...

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